The Difference Between HTML, JavaScript, And CSS

Back in 2016 when I first decided to make the pivot into design and development, I learned that the front end and back end languages all complement one another and it would important to learn a few of each that worked well together. In the web development immersive I participated in, we began with these three basic front end languages: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Here’s a high level overview of how I remember each and what they do.

I describe the front end languages like building a house. HTML is the structure of the home, the frame of the building, CSS is like the walls and decorations, and JavaScript are all the bells and whistles- the upgrades. Together, they allow you to design, build, and animate a website. If you’re thinking about designing or developing websites, these are the major three I highly recommend starting with.

Most all other languages you can learn will require some prior knowledge and a good handle of these three languages.


CSS stands for Cascading Stylesheets. CSS is responsible for telling the browser how the HTML elements on a website should appear on a screen.


HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it’s the basic scripting language we use to create websites. HTML tells the browser how to render pages on the internet.


Javascript is a programming language that can change HTML and CSS. It also shows you data. When you use JavaScript on your website, it’s most likely because you’re adding animations or other customizations to your design.



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Rae Owens

Web Developer and Designer

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